Friday, August 29, 2014

Get Involved!

Please stop by the "Club Rush" tables set up on the campus green on Wednesday, September 3. Which of the organizations/activities represented at the Fair interests you the most?

Bonus: which organization offered the best "freebies"?

No chance to visit the Fair? Well, you can do the next best thing: look at the on-line list of student clubs on the NSU web site (see the drop down menu when you scroll over the "Clubs" link in the left-hand sidebar on this page: No free food, but you can earn your extra credit (one whole point!) by commenting here on the organization that looks most interesting to you.


  1. I signed up for a few clubs on my trip through the green, but the club that I was most interested in was the History club. That may be intended because I am a history major but I am excited nonetheless. Also I stopped by some music club that was giving out m&ms for signing up but my blinding greed for the m&ms impaired me from signing up.

  2. I signed up for a couple interesting clubs, German, pride, debate and speech, history, and rugby. My favorite part was the free tshirts and candy I got a at couple of the booths.

  3. The club most interesting to me was the Collegian's in Christ's Service club. I'll probably attend their Wednesday men's Bible study. I also found the taekwondo club interesting. I probably won't join it though. Being able to spell taekwondo is good enough for me.
    - Cody Martens

  4. I didn't sign up for any clubs, but I thought just walking through and seeing what Northern had to offer was interesting and fun. I liked all the games that were going on and it had a friendly atmosphere. Plus there was candy and I like candy so I can't complain too much. There were also some very interesting clubs that I didn't even know existed so I thought that was pretty cool. -Brandon Lunzman

  5. I walked through today to look at clubs, but I didn't join any. Though many clubs looked interesting, I do not have time for a club right now. I did get a free 2013 teeshirt and some Lutheran candy, so that's pretty neat.

  6. A lot of the clubs were really interesting, but the one that caught my attention was the English Club. I really liked how there were so many different types of clubs and they all looked interesting to me.

  7. I signed up for one of the clubs when I went to check them out. I stopped by Aware Wolves, because I knew one of the people running it and took a survey on their posters. After I took the survey, I got a free USB Flash Drive, so that was pretty neat. I was surprised at how many clubs there actually are here. I got some free candy and found the English club, which I might actually join.
    Allyson Gascoigne

  8. I joined English club and the drama club. I took a lot of pamphlets too, moreso just to be nice. Women's rugby had the best freebies. I love them banana laffy taffys.

  9. The clubs that interested me the most were the Brazilian Jit-sui (I don't know how to spell it) and crossfit club and ROTC. I signed up for the BJSC and CAB. I also plan on hitting someone with a sock but I don't think that was an actual club. I got some candy from a few different club's tables but showed up too late too receive any of the cooler freebies. Overall, I thought the Club Rush was a pretty cool deal.

    Daniel Gallagher

  10. I thought the most interesting club was the club that offered kickboxing and a lot of other ways to get good excersise. I don't know what club it was or who it was but the free t-shirt give away was the highlight of club rush.

  11. Though I only joined the history club to get brownie points. I hope I will actually get something out of the club. No other club seemed to really get my attention.

  12. The most interesting club to me was the jiu jitsu club. The summer after my Junior year I went with my cousin to a few of his judo classes and ended up really enjoying it. I have always found martial arts interesting. I signed up for speech club, German club and the jiu jitsu club. I am excited to be a part of these clubs.
    - Camilla Johansson

  13. I joined several clubs; LGBT, German, Saudi, Korean, Chinese, History, and Lions. I'm most looking forward to History and LGBT club because History is my major and for LGBT because it's nice to be around those like me. The Chinese Club gave out the best stuff; I got a fortune cookie. I'm also excited to learn Korean.

  14. There was such a variety of things going on, and so many things to sign up for during club rush. I just enjoyed walking around but it was really cool to see everything Northern offers and although I didn't sign up for anything, if I would have it would have been the English club. - Nan Hight
